Let the welfare of the people be the ultimate law.
(Mon - Sat | 9:00am to 5:00 pm)



Grace Welfare Association believes that education plays a crucial role in eradicating poverty from the lives of common people. We are committed to providing basic education to underprivileged children. 

We are working to ensure that every last child in India, even those from the most marginalized communities and the remotest corners of India get access to education. We are running programmes in rural areas in the backward districts of Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Chattisgarh, Kerala, Pondicherry, West Bengal, through which we identify out-of-school children and help them to leap by preparing them for formal education.

In Tamil Nadu, nearly 100 of our children completed school and subsequently, they were trained either in Nursing, Paramedical, Tailoring or Computer operation. Ultimately, most of them managed to secure decent jobs with decent salaries.


Rural Health care is one of the biggest challenges in our country. Grace Welfare Association is working to make health services affordable and assurable for rural & underprivileged people. Free medical camps are conducted to provide medical advice, medicine to the unfortunate people and refer them for specialized treatment or surgery whenever it is required.

We make sure people are getting the healthcare at the right time, and consulting the doctor early enough before the health problem turns serious.

We believe the first step to protecting ourselves from any kind of sickness is to be aware of it. Knowledge is the key that can help you defend against diseases. Therefore, we organize health awareness camps to spread awareness and support people to cope up with diseases.

Women Empowerment

Empowerment of women involves various aspects – economic opportunity, social equality, and personal rights. Women are denied these human rights, often as a matter of tradition. In rural areas, women are generally not deemed to have any meaningful income generation capacity, and hence, they are relegated mainly to household duties.

We seek to empower women, increase financial independence and gender equity in society by providing them with the necessary training and skills for livelihood.

We also ensure women’s access to justice & justice systems through legal empowerment/awareness programmes. In our programmes, the underprivileged women from minority sections are taught about their legal rights, hygiene, marriage & divorce laws, domestic violence, employability etc.

Child Welfare

Grace Welfare Association promotes social welfare, development, care and protection of vulnerable children in the backward districts of Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Chattisgarh, Kerala, Pondicherry and West Bengal. Our core concern is to protect children who are at risk. That includes neglected, abused, abandoned and orphaned children. 

We are committed to serve and protect the needs and interests of vulnerable children in addition to promoting self-reliance and ensuring self-sustainability. 

Grace Welfare Association believes that education is the key to break the cycle of poverty. We aim to provide a bright future to every underprivileged child who fails to afford quality education. Through our education programmes, we provide comprehensive assistance to impoverished children focusing on textual and practical knowledge along with personality development.


Our farmers work very hard in the field so we can eat a healthy meal. But, a frightening reality struck us like lightning that on average, one farmer commits suicide every 41 minutes in India. 

Grace Welfare Association’s goal is to develop a high quality of life for Indian farmers. Through projects, including those related to water harvesting & management, irrigation techniques, educational resources and farmer health, we are empowering farmers in rural regions.

We work in various parts of the country to help farmers, widows and their families to increase their crop yield, start or expand small businesses and sustain life in tough situations. We are trying to put an end to farmer suicide and chronic poverty in communities that depend on agriculture for their livelihoods.


Awareness programme on road safety to the public.
Support to senior citizens.
Awareness of climate change.
Awareness of care to be given to mentally ill people.
Health education.
Livelihood training.
Water management training.
Clean India awareness.
Awareness of atrocities against women.
Skill training – dressmaking to rural women.
Free tuition centre for the benefit of rural poor students in Tamil Nadu.
Water harvesting training.

Our Objectives

To construct and run schools & educational institutions for the benefit of the rural poor children.
To establish and maintain vocational training centres to train village youth to become employable.
To protect the environment from pollution.
To encourage the empowerment of rural poor women.
To promote health care programmes to deserving people.
To establish and run daycare centres to provide educational facilities to differently-abled children.
To take best efforts for promotion of plantation and to work for the development of agriculture and forest.
To arrange home, shelter food, clothes and all necessary things to poor, helpless, old aged men and women.